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Мехельн - город предков Бетховена
Бетховенские места (музеи, памятники, фестивали)
Beethovenfest Bonn (Бетховенский фестиваль)
Традиция Бетховенских фестивалей восходит к 1845 году The tradition of the Beethovenfest Bonn stretches back to 1845, when a three-day music festival was held on the occasion of the dedication of the Beethoven Monument on the city’s Münsterplatz to mark the 75th anniversary of the composer’s birth. [
Beethoven-haus (музей Бетховена в Бонне)
The Beethoven-Haus, a landmark of Bonn, is supported by the Beethoven House Trust (founded in 1889) and encompasses a Museum, the Beethoven Archives and the Chamber Music Hall. The Museum displays a representative selection from the trust's collections, the largest privately-owned Beethoven collection in the world. Portraits, original manuscripts, instruments and everyday objects convey a lively and authentic glimpse into the life and work of the composer. [
Pasqualati-Haus (музей Бетховена в Вене)
In 1804–08 and 1810–14, Beethoven lived at the house of his patron Johann Baptist Freiherr von Pasqualati on the Mölker Bastei (Mölk Bastion, a remnant of the old city walls) in the Innere Stadt. Here he composed, among other works, the Fifth and Sixth Symphonies, Für Elise, the Archduke Trio and his only opera, Fidelio. Since Beethoven's actual flat in the north section of the fourth floor has a tenant, the next-door flat is on show as the Beethoven exhibit. [
Beethoven residence in Heiligenstadt
Ludwig van Beethoven spent the summer of 1802 in a house in Heiligenstadt, which at the time was a suburb of Vienna. There was a spa, where Beethoven attempted to reduce or cure his increasing deafness. During this stay, he worked on compositions including his Second Symphony, but also—in an episode of depression and despair about the state of his hearing—composed his Heiligenstadt Testament. According to oral tradition, the house was Herrengasse 6, now Probusgasse 6; this is however disputed, since at the time there were no registration records for the suburbs of Vienna and Beethoven's own letters do not mention the address. [
Eroica House
The Eroica House is a memorial to Beethoven's stay in Oberdöbling in the summer of 1803, during which he composed a large part of his Eroica Symphony. However, Beethoven never stayed in the house. Josef Böck-Gnadenau misidentified the building, because he was unaware that the houses were re-numbered in 1804, rather than 1802. In 1872, Alexander Wheelock Thayer had identified the correct house: Hofzeile 15, which no longer exists. [