9. Бетховен и семья von Breuning

After his friend F. G. Wegeler had introduced him to the von Breuning family of Bonn, Beethoven soon became more than a good friend of the young Breunings-an adopted son of "Frau Hofrätin." Frau von Breuning gave the young musician the attention and care of which he had been deprived since his mother's death in 1787.

THE BREUNING HOUSE ON THE MTNSTERPLATZ IN BONN Drawing by M. Frickel Beethoven was well received in this hospitable home, open to the friends of the Breunings at all times. He was treated so cordially that the young artist gratefully regarded Frau von Breuning as a second mother. ( Municipal Archive, Bonn)

CHRISTOPH VON BREUNING (1771-1814) Miniature by G. von Kügelgen (Beethovenhaus, Bonn)

STEPHAN VON BREUNING (1774-1827) Miniature by G. von Kügelgen (Beethovenhaus, Bonn)

HELENE VON BREUNING, NÉE VON KERICH (1751-1838) Miniature by G. von Kügelgen Helene von Breuning, widow of the Councillor Emanuel Joseph von Breuning, killed in a fire of the Archbishop's palace in January, 1777, devoted herself entirely to the education of her four children Christoph, Eleonore, Stephan, and Lorenz. (Beethovenhaus, Bonn)

TEATIME WITH FRAU VON BREUNING Silhouette by an unknown artist Left to right: Canon von Kerich, brother of Helene von Breuning, and her daughter Eleonore. The latter, Beethoven's first love, was never quite forgotten. She later married his good friend Franz Gerhard Wegeler. No portrait of Eleonore exists other than these two silhouettes. (Wegeler Family, Koblenz)

FRAU VON BREUNING WITH HER CHILDREN AND THE CANON VON KERICH (1782) Silhouette by an unknown artist Both Eleonore von Breuning and her younger brother Lorenz were piano pupils of Beethoven. Christoph and Stephan studied law, Lorenz studied medicine. ( Frau von Nell, Trier)

GREETING CARDS OF BEETHOVEN, TO ELEONORE VON BREUNING One card is dated 1791. (Wegeler Family, Koblenz)

NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS OF ELEONORE VON BREUNING TO BEETHOVEN Address and contents in Eleonore's hand. (Wegeler Family, Koblenz)

"XII VARIATIONS POUR LE CLAVECIN AVEC UN VIOLON OBLIGÉ" Title page with dedication to Eleonore von Breuning These variations were composed by Beethoven in 1792-93. They were published by Artaria in Vienna in July, 1793. The title page pictured is that of the edition of 1794. ( Society of Friends of Music, Vienna)

FRANZ GERHARD WEGELER (1765-1848) After a lithograph Having completed his studies at Bonn University, and after an involuntary stay in Vienna, Wegeler settled in Koblenz as a physician. Later he married Eleonore von Breuning. He maintained most cordial relations with Beethoven. (Beethovenhaus, Bonn)