WoO 164: "Freundschaft ist die Quelle wahrer Glückseligkeit", трехголосный канон

Время создания: сентябрь 1814  г.


Friendship is the source of true happiness

"Dear valued Count and friend! (...) yesterday I went for a lovely walk in Brühl with a friend and during our friendly conversation your name was particularly mentioned. And what a coincidence on my return last night, your kind letter was waiting for me." Thus Beethoven wrote to his friend and patron Count Moritz Lichnowsky on 21 September 1814. The canon "Freundschaft ist die Quelle wahrer Glückseligkeit" ("Friendship is the source of true happiness") WoO 164 was written during this excursion to Brühl, a valley near Mödling. Beethoven went on the excursion with a friend, who is not named and whom we therefore cannot identify. The canon was obviously written for the album of this unknown friend during the excursion. Beethoven wrote it down in pencil - he often carried music paper and a pencil when he went out. He signed it in the top stave and dated it, "Beethowen. in der Brühl 1814 am 20ten September". (J.R.)
