Das Glück der Freundschaft (Vita felice), песня для голоса и фортепиано Opus 88

Время создания: весна или лето 1803 года

Дитрих Фишер-Дискау, баритон
Jörg Demus, фортепиано

This song came at the beginning of Beethoven's second period, the year that saw the composition of his pioneering Symphony No. 3, the Eroica. Beethoven's successes in the Lieder genre, however, did not quite parallel those in the symphonic, piano, and chamber realms. In short he was not as naturally brilliant in Lieder composition as Schubert would be. Thus, this song in no way can approach the importance of Beethoven's symphonies or sonatas from the period.

It should be mentioned, however, that the composer was never ignorant of his shortcomings: in the early 1800s, after he was well established in Vienna, he was still studying vocal techniques with Salieri, specifically regarding methods of setting Italian text to music. Indeed, the published score of "Das Glück der Freundschaft" from the German publisher C. F. Peters contains the singing parts in both German and Italian text, apparently on original instruction from Beethoven. In any event, this song is worthwhile and already shows many ingenious touches.

"Das Glück der Freundschaft" (The Good Fortune of Friendship) is a through-composed song marked Andante quasi Allegretto. Beethoven's lovely music effectively captures the emotions behind the text, written by an unknown author. It can fairly be said that this work has considerable charm, even if it lacks the greatness of the composer's later efforts in the vocal realm, like the six songs comprising An die ferne Geliebte (1815-16), Op. 98.

"Das Glück der Freundschaft" was first published in Vienna in 1803. A typical performance of it lasts from four to five minutes.

(Robert Cummings, All Music Guide)


(автор текста неизвестен)

Beato quei che fido amor

Beato quei che fido amor
Mai seppe meritar!
Ei solcherà senza timor
Di questa vita il mar.

Dovunque lo conduca il ciel,
Gli ride dolce fior;
La gioja non là cuopre un vel,
Si scema ogni dolor.

Ei sente l'alma divam par
Di generoso ardir;
Il vero ei puote sol amar,
Del bello sol gioir.

Felice chi ad un fido sen
Può cheto riposar,
E negl' occhietti del suo ben
Contento si specchiar!

Che in mezzo agli disa striancor
Quel sol gli riderà,
Ed a più bella calma oror
Tutto gli tornerà.