4 вальса для фортепиано, Anh 16

№1. Jubelwalzer, Cis-dur
№2. Gertruds Traumwalzer ("Мечта Гертруды"), B-dur
№3. Sonnenscheinwalzer, Es-dur
№4. Mondscheinwalzer, As-dur


Вальс "Мечта Гертруды", Kinsky-Halm Anhang 16 №2.

Mark S. Zimmer, фортепиано

This waltz is almost certainly not by Beethoven (who wrote practically zero waltzes, and nothing in the style of this composition). It was first published in 1852 by Schuberth in Leipzig as being a Beethoven composition. No autograph or sketches exist and as noted the style is wholly unlike Beethoven. The actual composer is unknown. The piece did become enormously popular and was a fixture of amateur pianists' repertoires well into the 20th century.


Вальс "Лунный свет" (Mondscheinwalzer), Anhang 16 №4.

Armando Orlandi, фортепиано

This spurious waltz, the Moonlight Waltz, was published by Kahnt in Leipzig sometime after 1852. It is one of the many fraudulent waltzes issued in the 19th century under Beethoven's name, long after he was dead. It does have the merit of a moody Adagio introduction in 4/4 before launching into the waltz itself. The title no doubt arises from the Watlz's middle section, which unabashedly cribs a motif from the "Moonlight" Sonata, op. 27 nr. 2.
