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The famous quartet founded by the eminent violinist Schuppanzigh above all had played chamber music by Haydn and Mozart before entering the services of Prince Lichnowsky. Then the quartet was at Beethoven's disposal and performed his works as soon as they were completed. Later the quartet was in the employ of Count Rasumoffsky, another Beethoven patron.
IGNAZ SCHUPPANZIGH (1776-1830) Lithograph by B. Schrötter Schuppanzigh, an excellent violinist and incomparable musician, and his ensemble were the ideal interpreters of Beethoven's music. fie also established a record as a conductor. ( Society of Friends of Music, Vienna)
JOSEPH MAYSEDER (1789-1863) Engraving by Blasius Höfel after L. Létronne Mayseder, a virtuoso and a capable composer, joined the quartet as a youth. Occasionally Prince Lichnowsky took his place as the second violinist. ( Society of Friends of Music, Vienna)
NICOLAS KRAFT (1778-1855) Pencil drawing by J. Alberti This outstanding cellist was a member of the Schuppanzigh Quartet, as was the cellist Linke. ( Society of Friends of Music, Vienna)
PROGRAM OF A MUSICAL ACADEMY GIVEN BY SCHUPPANZIGH AT THE JAHN AUDITORIUM, APRIL 6, 1797 In this concert the audience of Vienna heard the Quintet for Piano and Wind Instruments, E flat major, opus 16, for the first time. Beethoven had dedicated the work to Prince Schwarzenberg and played the piano part himself (page 78). ( Society of Friends of Music, Vienna)
THE CONCERT HALL AT THE AUGARTEN IN VIENNA Colored engraving by L. Poratzky In this hall in which Mozart had already appeared, the Schuppanzigh Quartet performed the "Morning Concerts," during which several Beethoven quartets were heard. Beethoven himself also appeared here, and together with the violinist Bridgetower played his "Kreutzer Sonata," opus 47, in May, 1803. Here he also conducted his Concerto for Piano, Violin, Cello and Orchestra, opus 56, in May, 1808. ( Historical Museum of the City of Vienna)