"COLOGNE COURT AND ADDRESS CALENDAR FOR THE YEAR 1792" In the Calendar, which also lists personnel of the Archbishop's Court, we find (page 16) Johann van Beethoven as "first tenor," and on the same and the following pages his son Ludwig as second "organist" (together with his teacher Neefe) and as third "violist." Beethoven's friend Anton Reicha, who later became professor at the Paris Conservatory, is listed among the violinists and as second "flautist." ( Municipal Archive, Bonn)
GERHARD FRIEDRICH W. GROSSMANN (1746-1796) Engraving by Geyser after Cöntgen Grossmann was director of Seyler's actors troupe, which was called to the Bonn National Theater by Kurfürst Maximilian Friedrich. His daughter-in-law, Friedrike Flittner, was the star of the Bonn Opera for five years. ( Beethovenhaus, Bonn)
FRANZ ANTON RIES (1755-1846) Wax medallion The distinguished first violinist of the electoral orchestra at Bonn not only was one of the teachers of the young Beethoven, but remained a lifelong friend and benefactor of the Beethoven family. (Collection Wegeler, Koblenz)
BERNHARD ROMBERG (1767-1841) Lithograph by Gentili after Krüger One of the most renowned cellists of his time.
ANDREAS ROMBERG (1767-1821) After an unidentified engraving Violist and composer. He also set Schiller "Die Glocke" to music. The cousins Bernhard and Andreas Romberg were members of the electoral orchestra at Bonn as was young Beethoven ( 1790-93). All three were to meet later in Vienna. ( National Library Vienna; Beethovenhaus, Bonn)
NICOLAS SIMROCK (1752-1834) After a lithograph by Weber Simrock, archivist and horn player of the electoral orchestra at Bonn, always was a generous friend of the Beethoven family. In 1790 he founded the famous publishing house still bearing his name and published several of Beethoven's early works. ( Beethovenhaus, Bonn)
ABBÉ FRANZ XAVER STERKEL (1750-1817) After a lithograph by H. E. Wintter This distinguished pianist and skillful composer undoubtedly influenced young Beethoven by his brilliant playing as well as by his pleasant compositions. ( Beethovenhaus, Bonn)