Исследования и учебная литература

Ольга Яценко. «Ода к радости»: Шиллер – Бетховен - Теппер де Фергюсон

Исследователям творчества Людвига ван Бетховена и особенно его Девятой симфонии давным-давно известно, что Бетховен был отнюдь не первым композитором, обратившимся в своем музыкальном творчестве к оде «К радости» Фридриха Шиллера, написанной осенью 1785 года[1], в Дрездене. Шиллер гостил тогда в доме своего друга Христиана Готтфрида Кёрнера (1756-1831), юриста и музыканта-любителя. Тогда же Кёрнер положил оду Шиллера на музыку[2]. Стихотворение появилось в лейпцигском журнале «Талия» в 1786 году[3].


John Sigerson. How Beethoven Set Schiller’s Poetry

Аccording to Ludwig van Beethoven’s biographer Alexander Wheelock Thayer, the composer penned the following reflections during early 1817:

“He who wishes to reap tears should sow love.

“The Compassionate Brothers in Tell, form a semi-circle around the dead man, and sing in deep tones:

[Beethoven here inscribes the lines of Schiller’s “Monks’ Song,” and continues:]

“This one thing I feel and clearly comprehend: Possessions are not the highest things in life, but guilt is the greatest evil. ...


Beethoven. Symphony no. "0"

How many symphonies did Beethoven compose? Everyone knows the answer. Yet the number nine only refers to the number of completed symphonies. Many people have heard of Beethoven's plans and drafts for a tenth symphony. But only a few know that he also had an idea for a symphony before the "First". The First Symphony in C major op. 21 was composed in 1800. No sketches have survived for it - the sketchbook in question has probably been lost (it is impossible to think that Beethoven composed this symphony without going through a draft stage).

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